Thursday, February 19, 2009

Group Management Software Company Launches Online Store Builder

Group Management Software Company Launches Online Store Builder

Teamr's newest software has made establishing a sales site simple enough that its clients can handle the task in-house.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) February 19, 2009 -- Companies, nonprofit organizations and teams that want to get ahead in the Information Age often discover that doing so demands the use of an online storefront. Unfortunately, establishing an attractive, functional and secure site online can be a real nightmare for those without the wherewithal to hire programmers and professional designers.

Thanks to teamr's latest group management software ( breakthrough, this is no longer the case. The company has made establishing a sales site simple enough that its clients can handle the task themselves, even if no one onboard has more than basic computer skills.

"We are pleased to announce the official launch of team management software that makes it very easy for anyone to create and launch their own storefront in literally minutes," said Lars Helgeson, founder and CEO of teamr. "Our integrated online storefront software can be quickly and easily added to any public Web site."

The development of teamr's software was inspired by the company's own customers who shared how frustrating it was for them to work with other providers to setup and launch storefronts and to use fundraising software, Helgeson said. With this in mind, teamr created its programming to be intuitive, but extremely effective.

"Our mantra throughout the creation process was 'simplicity'," said Helgeson. "We achieved that and more. In just a few minutes, our customers can have their own stores up and running. This is easily one of the most significant advancements to the teamr system to date."

The new group management software was designed with simplicity in mind not only for store owners, but also for users. To get started using the software, all clients are required to do is create or upgrade their accounts to Premium or Premium Pro. Then they need to establish a PayPal account to handle incoming Web payment transactions. Once this is done, they simply go into teamr's Website Manager to establish their store, set the desired look and feel and add content. The easy-to-use storefront creation program also enables users to set colors and layout and even create as many categories as they want for items to place within their store.

While the programming addition to teamr's offerings is fantastic for any sales application, it is particularly geared for fundraising use, Helgeson pointed out. The software enables users to set sales goals and even make those goals public, which can boost donation drives and sales.

"We've designed this entire package with our customers' request for simplicity in mind," Helgeson said. "Setting up an online store has never been easier."

The company also provides homeowner's association software and scout software ( for scout leaders who would like to keep track of scouting activities. For more information about teamr and its management software, contact Doug Feeney, vice president of operations, at (760) 845-1784 or visit

About teamr

San Diego-based teamr was established to deliver a powerful web-based application to help group organizers, leaders, coaches and captains manage members and schedules more effectively using team management software ( The company's purpose is to provide its users a way to improve communication by harnessing the power of the Internet.

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Contact Information Doug Feeney



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