Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cross-Channel Retail Initiatives Are Critical For Increased Profits, Sales And Customer Satisfaction, New Research Shows

Cross-Channel Retail Initiatives Are Critical For Increased Profits, Sales And Customer Satisfaction, New Research Shows

Amid online "store" closings from retailers like Canadian Tire, new research finds that cross-channel retail initiatives play a critical role in increasing a retailer's profits, sales, and customer satisfaction. Cross-channel product and pricing consistency are no longer differentiating for the successful retailer - they have become table stakes. Perhaps more importantly, retailers enabling cross-channel inventory, order, and customer visibility achieve significant and quantifiable results from those initiatives. RSR's latest research defines and discusses those results.

Miami, FL -- RSR's newest research study, "Cross-channel Retailing for the Anytime, Anywhere Consumer", sponsored by IBM and Manhattan Associates, quantifies the value of cross-channel consistency and transparency in specific and somewhat stunning ways.

In RSR's third annual benchmark study on multi-channel retailing, retailers re-emphasized the importance of cross-channel consistency in establishing a positive brand identity with customers.

"Given the state of the global economy, we really expected to see retailers looking for cost reduction," said Paula Rosenblum, managing partner at RSR Research and co-author of the report. "In fact, while economic conditions do act as a barrier to making additional investments, Retail Winners (those who outperform their peers) are continuing to invest. They understand that impressions made now will remain with customers once the economy starts to turn around, and are willing to build brand equity for the future."

"We were amazed to see the quantifiable returns retailers achieved from initiatives such as cross-channel inventory and order visibility," added Brian Kilcourse, managing partner at RSR Research and co-author of the report. "Forty percent of respondents report a 2-5% increase in eCommerce profitability, 45% report at least a 2% reduction in warehouse space requirements, 27% report a 5-10% improvement in fill rates. The list goes on and on."

RSR's new study, "Cross-channel Retailing for the Anytime, Anywhere Consumer" explores the specific opportunities for retailers catering to customer needs in a consistent way across all selling and product research channels. The report, with benchmark data captured from November 2008 through January 2009, provides a fresh but reinforcing look at how retailers can use technology to their best advantage, even in an economic downturn.

To obtain a complimentary copy of the report, click here ( or:

About Retail Systems Research

Retail Systems Research ("RSR") is the only research company run by retailers for the retail industry. RSR provides insight into business and technology challenges facing the extended retail industry, and thought leadership and advice on navigating these challenges for specific companies and the industry at large. To learn more about RSR, visit


Contact Information Paula Rosenblum

RSR Research


Brian Kilcourse

RSR Research


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