Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Business Foundation to Deliver Key Note Presentation at Oracle 'Connect Strategy to Success' Conference in Boston

Business Foundation to Deliver Key Note Presentation at Oracle 'Connect Strategy to Success' Conference in Boston

Business Foundation, the only dedicated global Enterprise Performance Management Advisory Service, announced today that it has been invited by Oracle Corporation to deliver the key note presentation at their 'Connect Strategy to Success' conference in Boston on February 12, 2009.

San Jose, CA (Vocus) January 28, 2009 -- Business Foundation (, the only dedicated global Enterprise Performance Management Advisory Service, announced today that it has been invited by Oracle Corporation to deliver the key note presentation at their 'Connect Strategy to Success' conference in Boston on February 12, 2009. With headquarters in San Jose, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley, Business Foundation is focused on helping Executives in organizations identify and align on key drivers that support and execute on their strategic initiatives and goals.

The conference explores how performance management can help increase confidence in the numbers and improve the predictability of future results. This conference has a unique track designed specifically for planning and analysis, accounting, treasury, and strategic planning. "This is a great event and an ideal setting for business professionals to discover how EPM can make a material impact on their business - it's not just about automating the budget and reports, it's about improving revenue growth, operating margin and cash cycle," said Ron Dimon, Business Foundation SVP of Operations.

About Oracle

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's largest enterprise software company. For more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at

About Business Foundation Corporation

The Business Foundation is an Enterprise Performance Management and technology advisory company with extensive industry knowledge.

Since the genesis of Enterprise Performance Management, its' team of experts have blended seasoned business and technology disciplines to create unique and valuable experiences for clients.

The company's unique value starts with the world's most extensive on-line Periodic Table of Business® database of measures and metrics by industry, business function and role. It executes using a proven Performance Management methodology.

Business Foundation helps Executives execute on the strategic promises they make to stakeholders using the right people, processes and technologies. The companies they have worked with include some of the largest global firms across industry sectors.

Business Foundation bridges the gap between strategy and actually executing on a strategy.

More Information

To find out more about the conference, or how to attend, phone 1-800-820-5592 ext. 5941 or visit for more details.

Contact Information

Media Contact:

Valerie Bridges

valerie @

Ron Dimon

SVP Consulting, Business Foundation Corporation., Washington DC.,

Tel: _1 703-899-0036

rondimon @


Contact Information Ron Dimon

SVP Consulting, Business Foundation Corporation

1 703-899-0036

Valerie Bridges

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